About Véronique

Véronique Gouverneur secured a PhD in chemistry at the Université Catholique de Louvain (LLN, Belgium) under the supervision of Professor Léon Ghosez. In 1992, she moved to a postdoctoral position with Professor Richard Lerner at the Scripps Research Institute (California, USA). She accepted a position of Maître de Conférence at the University Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg (France); during this period, she worked with Dr Charles Mioskowski and was Associate Member of the “Institut de Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires” led by Professor Jean-Marie Lehn.
Véronique started her independent research career at the University of Oxford in 1998 in the the Department of Chemistry and was promoted to Professor of Chemistry in 2008. Since her appointment in Oxford, she has held a tutorial fellowship at Merton College Oxford, where she teaches organic chemistry. Since 2022, she is the Waynflete Professor of Chemistry at Magdalen College.
Her research aims at developing new approaches to address long-standing problems in the synthesis of fluorinated molecules including pharmaceutical drugs and probes for molecular imaging (Positron Emission Tomography). To date, she has mentored more than 40 Postdocs and supervised 55 PhD students (DPhil in Oxford) to completion. She has coordinated European ITN projects and received funding from numerous bodies, such as UKRI, ERC (ERC Advanced Grants 2019–2024 and 2024–2028) and EPSRC. She is the (co)author of > 200 peer-reviewed publications and 10 patents.
Her research has been disseminated at numerous conferences and rewarded by multiple prizes and distinctions, including the 2015 ACS Award for Creative work in Fluorine Chemistry, the 2016 RSC Tilden Prize, the 2016 Tetrahedron Chair, the 2019 RSC Organic Stereochemistry Award, the 2019 Prelog Medal, the 2021 Henri Moissan Prize, the 2022 Arthur C. Cope Award, the 2022 EuChemS Female Organic Chemist of the Year Award, the 2024 Prous Institute - Overton and Meyer Award for New Technologies in Drug Discovery and the 2024 Davy Medal.
Véronique has also been elected Member of the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC) in 2017, Fellow of the Royal Society in 2019 and International Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2022.
2024, Davy Medal Royal Society (UK)
2024, Wei-Yuan Huang Fluorine Chemistry Prize of the Chinese Chemical Society (China)
2024, Prous Institute - Overton and Meyer Award for New Technologies in Drug Discovery (EFMC, EU)
2022, Elected International Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (USA)
2022, EuChemS Female Organic Chemist of the Year Award (EU)
2022, ACS Arthur Cope C. Award (USA)
2021, Prix Henri Moissan (France)
2019, RSC Organic Stereochemistry Award (UK)
2019, Prelog Medal, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
2019, Elected Fellow of the Royal Society (UK)
2019-2024, Recipient ERC Advanced Grant (EU)
2018-2013, Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award (UK)
2017, Elected Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC)
2016, International Visiting Research Scholar Award Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, UBC (Canada)
2016, RSC Tilden Prize (UK)
2016, Tetrahedron Chair BOSS XV (Belgium) (past awardees: B. Feringa, D. MacMillan, P. Baran)
2015, ACS Award for Creative Work in Fluorine Chemistry (USA)
2012, Chair Internationale de Recherche Blaise Pascal ENS/CEA, Saclay (France)
2012, European Journal of Organic Chemistry Award (Germany)
2011, Distinguished Woman in Chemistry Award/ACS Challenge Year of Chemistry Celebration (USA)
2011, Liebig Lectureship Award of the Organic Division of the German Chemical Society (Germany)
2010, Elected Fellow Royal Society of Chemistry (UK)
2010, The Thieme Chemistry Journal Award (Germany)
2008, The RSC Bader Award (UK)
2005, The AstraZeneca Research Award in Organic Chemistry (UK)
2000, The Nuffield Foundation Award for Newly Appointed University Lecturer (UK)
1992, Prix de l’Académie Royale des Sciences (Belgium)
1992, Prix Bruylants (Belgium)
2025, The Ojima Distinguished Lectureship Award – Stony Brook University (USA)
2025, Pettit Memorial Lecture – The University of Texas Austin (USA)
2024, The Beckman Lecture – California Institute of Technology (USA)
2024, The Karl Ziegler Lectures – Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung (Germany)
2024, Gassman Lectureship – University of Minnesota (USA)
2024, SCI Process Chemistry Award Lecture – Cambridge, UK
2024, National Historic Chemical Landmark Symposium Lecture – Indiana University (USA)
2024, The Chemical Record Lecture – Chemical Society of Japan (Japan)
2023, Bohlmann Lecture – TU Berlin (Germany)
2023, EuChemS Female Organic Chemist of the Year Award Lecture– Bayer AG (Germany)
2023, George Büchi Lectureship, MIT – Cambridge (USA)
2023, 38th Annual H. C. Brown Lectures – Purdue University West Lafayette (USA)
2023, Cambridge AstraZeneca Lecture (UK)
2022, Manchot Research Professorship, Technische Universitaet Muenchen (Germany)
2022, Novartis Lectureship (x 2) (Basel – Switzerland -virtual, Cambridge - USA)
2021, Adolf Lieben Lectureship (Austria) (virtual)
2021, 40 Years Merton Women Lecture Series (UK) (virtual)
2021, Organic Reactions e-Lectureship (virtual), University of Alberta (Canada) (virtual)
2020, Frontiers in Chemistry Distinguished Lectureship, Scripps Research Institute (USA)
2019, Nankai Organic Lectureship, Nankai University (China)
2019, Prof H. J. Backer lectureship, University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
2019, Frontiers in Chemical Research Lectureship Series, Texas A&M University (USA)
2018, Dorothy Hodgkin Memorial Lectureship, Somerville College, Oxford (UK)
2018, Organic Reactions Lectureship, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)
2017, Stanley Wawzonek Lectureship, University of Iowa (USA)
2016, The Cavill Lecture (Australia)
2015, Visiting Professor at the Nagoya Institute of Technology (Japan)
2014, R. B. Woodward Lecture in the Chemical Sciences, Harvard University (USA)
2013, Clayton H. Heathcock Lecture in Organic Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley (USA)
2013, Centre for Synthesis & Chemical Biology Distinguished lectureship, Dublin (Ireland)
2010, Visiting Professor University of Paris X in May-June (France)
2010, Invited Professor - CDP Innovation Lectureship “Fabulous Fluorine” - September – Nice (France)
181. EFMC-ISMC Symposium – September 2024, Rome (Italy)
180. Towards a Sustainable Future Dream Reactions with (and without) light, August 2024, Munster (Germany)
179. Organic Reactions and Processes Gordon Research Conference, July 2024, (USA)
178. 9th EuChems Congress (ECC9)– The European Chemical Society – July 2024, Dublin (Ireland)
177. 21st Bristol Synthesis Meeting Lecture – April 2024, Bristol (UK)
176. ESOC 2023 Symposium – July 2023, Ghent (Belgium)
175. 23rd International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry – July 2023, Quebec (Canada)
174. 23rd Tetrahedron Symposium – June 2023, Gothenburg (Sweden)
173. 26th Winter Fluorine Conference – January 2023 Tampa (USA)
172. Moissan Symposium Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie – November 2022, Paris (France)
171. Max Planck and UK Organic Chemistry Symposium– October 2022, Ringberg (Germany)
170. ACS National Meeting– Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award Lecture – August 2022, Chicago (USA)
169. 20th European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry – August 2022, Berlin (Germany)
168. A. Corbella International Summer School on Organic Synthesis (ISOS) – June 2022, Milan (Italy)
167. Cefic’s Honour Science & Chemistry” Event – May 2022, Brussels (Belgium)
166. 2nd Synthesis in Drug Discovery & Development RSC Biological & Medicinal Chemistry – May 2022 (UK) V
165. The 8th International Symposium on Transformative Bio-Molecules – February 2022, Nagoya (Japan) V
164. Pacifichem 2021 Congress – December 2021, Hawaii (USA) V
163. The 2nd Schulich Chemical Biology Meeting – November 2021 (Israel) P
162. Holmquist Symposium – October 2021 Uppsala (Sweden) V
161. e-Bürgenstock Special Virtual Meeting May 2021 (Switzerland) V
160. Inaugural Chemical Biology and Organic Synthesis Symposium – May 2021 Yale (USA) V
159. FLUO Tutorial Week ACS Division of Fluorine Chemistry, January 2021 (USA) V
158. 8th EuChemS Chemistry Congress, August 2020, Lisbon (Portugal) P
157. 7th Fluorine Days, July 2020, Poznań (Poland) P
156. Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry, June 2020, Macclesfield (UK) P
155. The 5th ERC Grantees Conference, June 2020, Edinburgh (UK) P
154. The 31st Annual Frontiers in Chemistry Symposium- Scripps Research Institute, Feb 2020, CA (USA)
153. The RSC-Organic Division Regional Meeting, January 2020, St Andrews (UK)
152. The 13th National Organic Chemistry Meeting (13ENQO) and the 6th National Medicinal Chemistry Meeting (6ENQT), January 2020, Aveiro (Portugal)
151. The Reaxys PhD Prize Symposium, October 2019, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
150. 19th European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, August 2019, Warsaw (Poland)
149. European Symposium on Organic Chemistry (ESOC), July 2019, Vienna (Austria)
148. ChemCommun Symposium Associate Editors: Auckland University, April 2019, Auckland (New Zealand)
147. ChemCommun Symposium Associate Editors: Australia National University, April 2019, Canberra (Australia)
146. ChemCommun Symposium Associate Editors: RMIT University, April 2019, Melbourne (Australia)
145. ACS National Meeting & Expo: Shibata ACS Award for Creative Work in Fluorine Chemistry, March 2019, (USA)
144. PSL Chemical Biology Symposia, January 2019, Paris (France)
143. 24th Winter Fluorine Conference, January 2019, Tampa (USA)
142. 24th National Organic Conference of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI), 12/2018, Perth (Australia)
141. 6th Anglo Japanese Conference on Asymmetric Catalysis, November 2018 (Japan)
140. 17th Brazilian Meeting on Organic Synthesis, October 2018 (Brazil)
139. 8th Biennial ‘Celebration of Organic Chemistry’ Symposium UCB, September 2018 (Belgium)
138. 2nd International Conference on Organic Synthesis (22-ICOS), Florence, September 2018 (Italy)
137. RICT 2018 Rencontres Internationales de Chimie Thérapeutique, Strasbourg, July 2018 (France)
136. 10th Balticum Organicum Syntheticum, July 2018 (Estonia)
135. Chemical Synthesis CDT Summer Conference, July 2018, Bristol (UK)
134. RSC-NOST symposium on Organic and Bimolecular Chemistry, October 2017, Leeds (UK)
133. EFMC International Symposium on Advances in Synthetic & Medicinal Chemistry, August 2017 (Austria)
132. 25th International Symposium: Synthesis in Organic Chemistry, July 2017, Oxford (UK)
131. UCB International Super Network, July 2017 London (UK)
130. 18th Tetrahedron Symposium, June 2017 Budapest (Hungary)
129. ACS National Meeting, A. Togni Award Symposium, April 2017 San Francisco (USA)
128. Challenges for Chemistry in Molecular Imaging, March 2017 London (UK)
127. 23rd Biennial Winter Fluorine Conference, January 2017 Clearwater Beach, Florida (USA)
126. UCB Symposium on Late-Stage Functionalization for Synthesis and Medicines, December 2016 Oxford (UK)
125. First International Conference on Organic Synthesis, November 2016 Guangzhou (China)
124. 5th Lilly Chemistry Symposium “Chemistry, The Central Science”, October 2016 Madrid (Spain)
123. XXXIV GEQO Congress Organometallic Chemistry Specialized Group, September 2016 Girona (Spain)
120. Journee de Chimie Organique, September 2016 Paris (France)
121. Gordon Research Conference, Organic Reactions & Processes, July 2016 Easton MA (USA)
122. 15th Belgian Organic Synthesis Symposium, July 2016 Antwerp (Belgium)
123. Bremen Fluorine Days, July 2016 Bremen (Germany)
119. RSC Organic Division Ireland Regional Meeting, May 2016 Dublin (Ireland)
118. The Third Organic Chemistry Frontiers International Symposium, March 2016 Oxford (UK)
117. 1st International Molecular Imaging Workshop, November 2015 San Sebastien (Spain)
116. Organic chemistry symposium, October 2015 Madrid (Spain)
115. 3rd Roche & RSC Chemistry Symposium on Leading Sciences for Drug Discovery, October 2015 (China)
114. Imaging: Recent Advances and Biomedical Applications, September 2015 SCI, London (UK)
113. 38th Fluorine Conference of Japan, September 2015 Tokyo (Japan)
112. 21st International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry (21st ISFC), August 2015 Como (Italy)
111. 21st International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences May 2015 University of Missouri (USA)
110. 249th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, March 2015 Denver (USA)
109. 12th International Symposium Synth. & Applic. of Isotopes & Lab. Compounds June 2015 Princeton (USA)
108. Florida Heterocyclic & Synthetic Conference 1-4 March 2015 (USA)
107. 22nd Winter Fluorine Conference ACS January 2015 St Petersburg Florida (USA)
106. Symposium of Organic Chemistry, 17 October 2014 Madrid (Spain)
105. A Celebration of Organic Chemistry, 22-23 September 2014 Lilly, Windlesham (UK)
104. 248th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, 10-14 August 2014 San Francisco (USA)
103. Bordeaux Fluorine Days 6-10 July 2014 (France)
102. VII International School of Organometallic Chemistry Marcial Moreno Mañas, June 2014 Barcelona (Spain)
101. Organkerdagarna 10-13 June 2014 Djurönäset, Stockholm (Sweden)
100. European Symposium on Radiopharmacy and Radiopharmaceuticals, April 24–27, 2014, Pamplona (Spain)
99. Modern Synthetic Methods in Organofluorine Chemistry - SCI Young Chemists, 6 March 2014 London (UK)
98. 79th Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society, 4-5 February 2014 Tel Aviv (Israel)
97. 12th CSCB Annual Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, 13 December 2013 (Ireland)
96. 2013 Inter-Academy Seoul Science Forum, November 11-12, 2013 Seoul (Korea)
95. The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Annual Conference, 4-5 November 2013 (Netherlands)
94. 246th ACS National Meeting 8-12th September 2013 Indianapolis (USA)
93. The 15th Asian Chemical Congress (ACC) 19-23th August 2013 (Singapore)
92. OMCOS 17, 28th July-1st August 2013 Fort Collins Colorado (USA)
91. 17th European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry 21-25th July 2013 Paris (France)
90. Bürgenstock Conference - 48th EuChem Conference on Stereochemistry, April 2013 (Switzerland)
89. Anglo-Japanese Symposium on Asymmetric Catalysis 19- 21 April 2013 Sendai (Japan)
88. International Fluorine Workshop on 13th- 14th April 2013 Tokyo (Japan)
87. Clayton H. Heathcock Lecture Organic Chemistry, Dept. of Chemistry at UC Berkeley 22 January 2013 (USA)
86. 21th Winter Fluorine Conference ACS 13-18th January 2013 St Petersburg Florida (USA)
86. Inaugural Lecture Chair Blaise Pascal 2012 on 19 December 2012 CEA Saclay (France)
85. 7th Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Symposium 8 October 2012 Zurich (Switzerland)
84. EurJOC Lecture at ORCHEM 2012 24-26 September 2012 Weimar (Germany)
83. 20th International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry 22-27 July, 2012 Kyoto (Japan)
82. 13th Belgian Organic Synthesis Symposium (BOSS XIII) 15-20 July 2012 Leuven (Belgium)
81. SCI/RSC Conference Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules VII July 2012 Dublin (Ireland)
80. 10th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (Chemistry ICHAC-10), May 2012, Kyoto (Japan)
79. Valencia Fluorine Days 20-24 May 2012 Valencia (Spain)
78. Quebec Research Centre in Green Chemistry and Catalysis Lecturer 2012 McGill University 17 April 2012, Laval University 18 April 2012, Universite de Montreal 19 April 2012 (Canada)
77. 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, California, March 25-29, 2012 (USA)
76. Transition metal Catalyzed fluorination (ACS Award for Creative Work in Fluorine Chemistry Symposium to honor of David O'Hagan) 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, California, March 25-29, 2012 (USA)
75. SINAPSE Chemistry for Imaging 6 December 2011 Glasgow (Scotland)
74. International Symposium on Fluorous Technologies ISOFth 11 Hong Kong 30/11-03/12 2011 (China)
73. The Third China-UK Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry November 20, 2011 Guangzhou (China)
72. Liebig Lectureship Award Tour October 2011 Rostock (04/10), Kiel (05/10), TU Munchen (06/10), RWTH Aachen (07/10), Giessen (10/10), Leipzig (11/10) (Germany)
71. IIS-CED Workshop Bad Soden 22/23 September 2011 (Germany)
70. Subject Day Berne 7/8 September 2011 (Switzerland)
69. International Conference of the German Chemical Society 4th-7th September 2011 Bremen (Germany)
68. 242nd ACS Meeting Denver Fluorine Division August 28-September 2011 (USA)
67. Valencia Biennial Meeting of the Royal Society of Spain 25-28th July 2011 (Spain)
66. GRC Organic Reaction and Processes July 17-22, 2011 Smithfield Rhode Island (USA)
65. The 17th European Symposium on Organic Chemistry ESOC 2011 10-15 July, 2011 Hersonissos (Crete)
64. 10th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-10); June 27th-July 2nd 2011 Kyoto (Japan)
63. XII Turku PET Symposium 28-31 May 2011 Turku (Finland)
62. GICR2011 Conference, May 13-14 2011 Sardinia (Italy)
61. The 5th International ChemComm Symposium: 16th May 2011 - Symposium at Seminar House in the Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University (Japan); 18th May 2011 - Symposium at Lecture Hall, Fei Yun Building, Lanzhou University, 222 Tianshui S. Road., Lanzhou, Gansu 730000; 20th May 2011 - Symposium at Nankai University, Tianjin (China)
60. Multiple Faces of Chemistry: Marie Curie to Nowadays, Institut Curie & ESPCI January 2011, Paris (France)
59. 40th SACI Convention University of the Witwatersrand 16-21 January 2011 Johannesburg (South Africa)
58. 11th National Meeting on Fluorine Chemistry 13-15 October 2011 Shanghai (China)
57. 3rd EuCheMS August 29 - September 2, 2010 Nürnberg (Germany)
56. 16th European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry July 18-23 2010 Ljubljana (Slovenia)
55. ICIQ Summer School 19-23 July 2010 Tarragona (Spain) (2 x 1:30 h)
54. Perugia Fluorine Days 11-15 July 2010 (Italy)
53. Organometallics Gordon Research Conference July 11-16 2010 Rhodes Island Salve Regina (USA)
52. 20th Wageningen Symposium 2010 8-9 April (The Netherlands)
51. 3rd Hellenic Symposium on Organic Synthesis 15-17 October 2009 Athens (Greece)
50. 19th International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry August 23-28, 2009 Jackson Hole Wyoming (USA)
49. 18th International Symposium on olefin metathesis August 2-7, 2009 Leipzig (Germany)
48. Natural Products Gordon Research Conference July 26-30, 2009 Tilton School New Hampshire (USA)
47. RSC Biennal Symposium “Synthesis in Organic Synthesis” July 20-23, 2009 Oxford (UK)
46. ICNS Symposium “From Organic Synthesis to Biological Chemistry” June 11-12, 2009 Gif-sur-Yvette (France)
45. 32th Reuniao Annual Sociedade Brasiliera de Quimica (RSC) 30/05-02/06, 2009 Fortaleza (Brazil)
44. International Conference on Fluorine Chemistry ’ ICFC 09 Kyoto May 20-22, 2009 Kyoto (Japan)
43. National Organic Symposium Trust (NOST) XII Organic Chemistry Conference May 1-4 2009 Goa (India)
42. 7èmes Rencontres de Chimie Organique 7th April 2009 Paris (France)
41. 19th Winter Fluorine Conference 11-16 January 2009 Tampa St Petersburg Florida (USA)
40. XIII Ischia Advanced school of Organic Chemistry September 27-October 2, 2008 (Italy)
39. 12th French American Chemical Society Programme FACS XII Santa Barbara June 8-12 2008 (USA)
38. ESF-COST Natural Products Chemistry Biology and Medicine May 18-23, 2008 (Italy)
37. Frontiers in Biomedical Research Symposium February 10-13, 2008 Indian Wells CA (USA)
36. The 5th Knud Lind Larsen Symposium “Catalysis in Synthesis” 25-26 January 2008 Copenhagen (Denmark)
35. Summer School Sonderborg 13-14 August 2007 (Denmark)
34. 15th European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry 15-20 July 2007 Prague (Czech Republic)
33. SFC 2007 Keynote Speaker Chimie du Future, Future de la Chimie 16-18 July 2007 Paris (France)
32. The 18th Lakeland Heterocyclic Symposium Grasmere 10-14 May 2007 (UK)
31. Organic Chemistry, Present & Future Intern. Symposium in honor of Prof. L. Ghosez April 2007 LLN (Belgium)
30. RSC Enzyme and elements Control and Stereochemistry Loughborough 28th March 2007 (UK)
29. RSC In Celebration of the Heteroatom Cardiff 21st March 2007 (UK)
28. 18th Winter Fluorine Conference Tampa (Florida) January 2007 (USA)
27. OKV 2007 January 11-14 2007 Roros (Norway)
26. Contemporary Catalysis in Organic Synthesis Young Chemists 1/12 2006 London (UK)
25. “Mini-Symposium Organic Chemistry” University of Edinburgh 18 October 2006 (UK)
24. Transatlantic Frontiers of Chemistry symposium, New England Centre, New Hampshire August 2006 (USA)
23. 18th International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry at Bremen July 30-August 4th 2006 (Germany)
22. Gordon Heterocyclic Chemistry July 2-7, 2006 Salve Regina University; Newport, RI (USA)
21. 8th Anglo-Norman Organic Chemistry Colloquium, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 9-11 April 2006
20. One day Symposium Guest Speaker on the 26th January 2006 Lilly (UK)
19. AstraZeneca Research Award in Organic Chemistry Symposium AZ Charnwood 29th November 2005 (UK)
18. 17th International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry Shanghai July 30-August 4th 2005 (China)
17. 6th Tetrahedron Symposium “Challenges in Organic Chemistry” 29 June-01 July 2005 (France)
16. Inaugural TY Shen Symposium Manchester University 27th June 2005 (UK)
15. 17th Winter Fluorine Conference Tampa 9-14 January 2005 (Florida, USA)
14. RSC Biotranformations Belfast 24th September 2004 (Ireland)
13. RSC Subject Fluorine Durham Thursday 2nd September 2004 (UK)
12. GECO 45 Boussens August 2004 (France)
11. Advances in Synthetic, Combinatorial and Medicinal Chemistry 6 May, 2004 in Moscow (Russia)
10. Journée de la Societé Française de Chimie 9 March 2004 at Paris Ecole Normale de Chimie (France)
9. Greygnog, ESBOC European Symposium on Bioorganic Chemistry May 2003 (UK)
8. Young Chemists Cavendish Conference Centre London on the 27th-28th March 2003 (UK)
7. RSC Bioorganic Chemistry Conference University of Leicester on the 6-8th September 2002 (UK)
6. Gordon Research Conference 50th Anniversary Natural Product, July 29 – August 2, 2001 (USA)
5. 8th Firbush Bioorganic Conference, September 1999 (UK)
4. Rhodia Organique Fine 4eme journees thematiques November 1998 Lyon (France)
3. ENABC-European Network on Antibody Catalysis, Paris, September 1996 (France)
2. ENABC-European Network on Antibody Catalysis, Gargnano, September 1995 (Italy)
1. Journée de contact, FNRS, De Haan, November 1990 (Belgium)
Evening Colloquium of the Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, March 1992 (USA); Nagoya University, Professor R. Noyori, March 1993 (Japan); Ecole Polytechnique , Palaiseau, December 1992 (France); Université de Bordeaux, December 1992 (France); Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, December 1993 (France); Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, December 1993 (France); Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, December 1993 (Belgium); Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, December 1993 (Belgium); Université de Genève, December 1993 (Switzerland); Université de Liège, December 1993 (Belgium); Université de Bordeaux , December 1994 (France); Roussel-Uclaf, Romainville, January 1995 (France); CEA Saclay, October 1995 (France); Bio-Pôle Symposium in Chantilly, October 1996 (France); Imperial College, London, January 1997 (England); University of Nottingham, April 1997 (England); University of Sheffield, April 1997 (England); Synthelabo/Sanofi June 1998 in Strasbourg (France); Rhodia Organique Fine “Groupe Thematique Fluoration electrophile” March 1999 Lyon (France); Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool, UK; 19th March 2002; Institut de Chimie des substances Naturelles, CNRS, Gif-sur–Yvette, France; 21st March 2002; EEC COST Meeting; Darmstadt, Germany 7th September 2001 ; EEC COSSAC Meeting 12-14 October 2001, Athens (Greece); Queen Mary, University of London on the 18th September 2002; University College London (UCL) on the 30 October 2002; University of Birmingham on the 12th November 2002; Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen June 2002 (Germany); Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon on the 9 January 2003; Celltech 2 October 2003; University of Sheffield 19 November 2003; Imperial College 9 December 2003; University of Oxford 4 March 2004; University of Rouen IRCOF France 15 April 2004; University of Bath 25th May 2004; AstraZeneca R&D Charnwood, Medicinal Chemistry, Loughborough 8th June 2004; Uppsala University (Sweden) 21st October 2004; Stockholm University (Sweden) 22nd October 2004; H. Lundbeck A/S Medicinal Chemistry II Copenhagen (Denmark) 9 December 2004; Federation de Chimie des Universites de Marseilles (Saint Jerome) 28 January 2005; Syngenta (Jealotts Hill) 8th February 2005; Celltech Cambridge 16 February 2005; GSK (Verona, Italy) 18th March 2005; Laboratoire Serviers 23rd September 2005 (Paris); GSK Harlow 11th November 2005; AstraZeneca Loughborough 14th November 2005; University of Liverpool 15th February 2006; IECB Bordeaux (France) 31st March 2006; Geneva Department of Chemistry 16th November 2006; Imperial College 23rd January 2007; Syngenta Basel (Switzerland) 15 February 2007; Roche Basel (Switzerland) 16 February 2007; School of Pharmacy London 21st February 2007; Toulouse 25th June 2007; Montpellier 26th June 2007; Amsterdam 21st September 2007; CEA Saclay Paris 6th November 2007; Merton 12th November 2007 [BioScience Meeting]; Nottingham 6th December 2007; Durham February 2008; Fluorum Technology Bureau Meeting 2nd December 2008 (Runcorn); UCD Dublin 5th March 2009 (Ireland); University of Bristol 27th March 2009 (UK); Prosidion 10th July 2009 (Oxford- UK); University of Leicester 27 January 2010 (UK); UCL London 3rd February 2010 (UK); Novartis Basel 17 March 2010 (Switerzland); Paris Chatenay-Malabry 20 May 2010 (France); University Louis Pasteur Strasbourg 31 May 2010 (France); University of Reims 1st June 2010 (France); University of Caen 04 June 2010 (France); University Claude Bernard Lyon 9 June 2010 (France); University of Paris ESCPE 9 June 2010 (France); University of Rouen 11 June 2010 (France); Galderma 27 September 2010 Nice Sophia-Antipolis (France); University of Munster 18 November 2010 (Germany); Chromapharma November 2010 (Abington, UK); Evotec 9 June 2011 (UK); The Scripps Research Institute (USA) 29 March 2012; GK 1582 Fluorine Graduate School Seminar 21/22 June 2012 Freie Universität Berlin (Germany); Oxford Chemistry-Industry Symposium 12 September 2012 Oxford (United Kingdom); Addex Pharma 4th October 2012 Geneva (Switzerland); Konstanz 06 November 2012 (Germany); Boehringer-Ingelheim 5th December 2012 Biberach (Germany); School of Chemistry Cardiff 11th February 2013 (United Kingdom); ETH 26th February 2013 (Switzerland); Firmenich Geneva 27th February 2013 (Switzerland); Eli Lilly I 21st March 2013 (UK); Novartis 11th June 2013 (Switzerland); Eli Lilly 19th August 2013 (UK); Research Lectures Chair Blaise Pascal: University of Poitiers 26th September 2013 (France); Master Course (4.5 h) Orsay 2-3 October 2013 (France); University of Versailles 11 October 2013 (France); GSK Les Ulis 21st October 2013 (France); University of Orleans 22nd October 2013 (France); ENSCP/ESPCI 23rd October 2013 (France); Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles - Centre de Recherches de Gif, 24th October 2013 (France); Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau 25th October 2013 (France); Sanofi Chilly Mazarin 4th November 2013 (France); AstraZeneca 30th October 2013 (Sweden); Sanofi Chilly Mazarin 4th November 2013 (France); Pohang University of Science and Technology POSTECH 13th November 2013 (South Korea); University of Warwick 9th January 2014 (United Kingdom); University College Cork 15th January 2014 (Ireland); The Institute of Cancer Research 9th April 2014 (United Kingdom); Konstantz Research School Chemical Biology 20th May 2014 (Germany); GSK Stevenage 28th May 2014 (United Kingdom); University of Birmingham 3rd June 2014 (United Kingdom); University of Namur 19th June 2014 (Belgium); Institut de Recherches Servier de Suresnes 17th September 2014 (France); Princeton University 14th November 2014 (USA); Harvard University 17th November 2014 (USA); UCLA 5th March 2015 (USA); University of Reading 11th May 2015 (UK); Imperial College London, 22nd June 2015 (UK); Sumitomo, 13th September 2015 (Japan); Janssen Toledo, 29th October 2015 (Spain); AstraZeneca Stockholm, 22nd March 2016 (Sweden); Queen Mary University of London, 14th October 2016 (UK); Charles River London, 2nd February 2017 (UK); University of Southampton, 8th February 2017 (UK); Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, New York, 14th February 2017 (USA); University College London, 8th March 2017 (UK); Syngenta, Basel Chemical Society, June 2017 (Switzerland). Janssen Beerse, 1st June 2017 (Belgium); Chemistry & Biophysics, University of Michigan, February 2018 (USA); Invicro, London, 7th June 2018 (UK); Bayer Cropscience Monheim (Lecture course on Late Stage Fluorination), February 2019 (Germany); School of Chemistry, University of St Andrews, 11th March 2019 (UK); School of Chemistry, The University of Edinburgh, 12th March 2019 (UK); School of Chemistry, University of St Andrews, 9th January 2020 (UK) (RSC Award lecture tour); School of Applied Sciences, University of South Wales, 29th January 2020 (UK) (RSC Award lecture tour); AstraZeneca Cambridge, 3rd February 2020 (UK); School of Chemistry, University of Nottingham, 20th February 2020 (UK) (RSC Award lecture tour; School of Chemistry, University of Leeds, 21st February 2020 (UK) (RSC Award lecture tour); AstraZeneca Macclesfield, 6th March 2020 (UK); Pfizer Groton USA March 2021 (USA); University de Montreal March 2021 (Canada); University of Lancaster May 2021 (UK); University of Dundee May 2021 (UK); UCL April 2021 (UK); Novartis 2022 (Switzerland & USA); Genentech May 2022 (USA); ICIQ Tarragona July 2022 (Spain); Boehringer Ingelheim Biberach, September 2022 (Germany); Abbvie, October 2022 (Germany); Solvay Workshop, April 2023 (Belgium).
2023-, Chair for the electoral board for the Newton-Abraham Visiting Professorship (Oxford, UK)
2022-2023, Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of University of Basel (Switzerland)
2021-, Oxford Representative and Member of the Advisory Board of PET UK Network (UK)
2021-, Member of the Advisory Board of the Rosalind Franklin Institute “Next Generation Chemistry” (UK)
2020-2022, ERC Advanced Grant Co-Chair and Panel Member PE5 (EU)
2020-, Member Organising Committee of the RSC Oxford and Cambridge Synthesis Meeting (UK)
2020, Member Review Panel for Consolidator Grant (II), Swedish Research Council (Sweden)
2019-2023, Member of the Board of Electors to the Newton-Abraham Professorship (Oxford, UK)
2020, Member of the Thieme - IUPAC Prize Selection Committee (Germany)
2020, Past President Bürgenstock Conference – SCS Conference on Stereochemistry, Brunnen (Switzerland)
2019-, Member of the European Symposium Organic Chemistry International Committee (UK and Ireland) (EU)
2019, ERC Starting Grant Panel Member PE5 (EU)
2019-, Margaret Faul Women in Chemistry Award Selection Committee (Germany)
2019, President Bürgenstock Conference – SCS Conference on Stereochemistry, Brunnen (Switzerland)
2019, Member of the International Advisory Board of the 23rd International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry and the 9th International Symposium on Fluorous Technologies (23rd ISFC-ISoFT’21), Québec City (Canada)
2018, Coordinator of the EuChemS Young Investigator Workshop 2018, Oxford (UK)
2018-, Jury International Janssen Pharmaceutica Prize for Creativity in Organic Synthesis (Janssen)
2018, Chair of the 22nd International Symposium in Fluorine Chemistry, Oxford (UK)
2018, President Elect Bürgenstock Conference – SCS Conference on Stereochemistry, Brunnen (Switzerland)
2017, Review Panel Member Consolidator Grant (I), Swedish Research Council, Stockholm (Sweden)
2016-2018, Member of ACS Awards Panels (USA)
2016-2018, Newton International Fellowship Panel Member – Royal Society (UK)
2016-2018, President EuCheMs Organic Chemistry Division (EU)
2014, Member of the International Scientific Advisory Board of ENSCP (France)
2011-2013, Executive Committee Member of ACS Fluorine Division (USA)
2011-2017, Chemistry sub-programme Director - Oxford Cancer Imaging Centre (UK)
2010-, Leading Radiochemistry Laboratory SOMIL Oxford University (UK)
2010, Visiting Professor Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (Shanghai, China)
2010, Invited Professor - CDP Innovation “Fabulous Fluorine” - September (Nice, France)
2010, Visiting Professor University of Paris X in May-June (Paris, France)
2009-, Member of the Biomedical Imaging Network University of Oxford (Oxford, UK)
2009, Vice-President RSC Organic Division (UK)
2009, Member of the Royal Society Organic Chemistry Awards Committee (UK)
2009-, Member of the Moissan Prize Search Committee (French Chemical Society) (Paris, France)
2009, Member Organising Committee of the 19th Winter Fluorine Conference, Florida (USA)
2007-2015, Member (UK representative) and Secretary of EUCHEM Organic Division (Europe)
2007-2011, Chairman of the RSC Fluorine Subject Group (UK)
2006-, Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College (Reviewer & Panel member)
2005, Chair 5th RSC Fluorine Group Symposium (UK)
2022-, Member Editorial Board Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis (Wiley) [Jacobsen, Noyori, Buchwald, Kobayashi]
2019-, Member Editorial Advisory Board for Organic Letters (USA)
2019-, Member Editorial Advisory Board for ACS Central Science (USA)
2019-2015, Member International Advisory Board of European Journal of Organic Chemistry (Wiley)
2019-2016, Chair RSC Journal Chemical Communications (UK)
2016-2014, Associate Editor of Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry (Germany)
2015-, Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Fluorine Chemistry (Elsevier)
2014, Guest Editor of Special Issue on Fluorine Chemistry for Chemical Reviews (ACS)
2014-2021, Member Editorial Board of Chemistry A European Journal (Wiley)
2012-2007, Member Editorial Board of Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry (UK)
2011-2022, Member Academic Advisory Board Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis (Wiley)
2010, Guest Editor of a Fluorine Chemistry Themed Issue for Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry (RSC) (UK)
2010-, Member of the Academic Advisory Board Beilstein J. Org. Chemistry (Germany)
International Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2022); Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) (2019); Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC) (2017); Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) (2010); Honorary Fellow of the Israeli Chemical Society (2014); Member of ACS, ACS Fluorine Division, ACS Organic Division; Member of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. Member RSC Fluorine Group.